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Registration Guidelines (2025-26)

Kindly go through the guideline properly.
Online Registration Process:

Thank you for considering St. Karen’s Secondary School and we welcome you to our online application service. We hope this service will make the application process a convenient and efficient one.


• Use your laptop/desktop and avoid using the phone to fill in the form.
• This application form works best on Chrome.
• Offers for admission will be made according to the admission criteria and will be subject to seat availability.
• Application and Payment of registration fees online does not guarantee admission. (Non Refundable)
• Please enter the correct details on the registration form.
• Kindly download the admit card after successful registration (as informed by the school office through SMSes) Before the proficiency and Aptitude assessment/test or as informed.

• Required document for uploading:

- Birth Certificate from Municipal Corporation or Panchayat.
- Proof of Residence [anyone]:
(A) Ration Card (B) Election Id(C) Current Landline Telephone Bill (D) Current Electricity Bill (E) Aadhaar Card
- Photocopy of the school Identity Card of the sibling studying in St. Karen ’s Secondary School and photocopy of the report card of the previous class.
- Caste Certificate if (SC, ST, OBC For statistical purpose only).

• Incomplete / illegibly written / overwritten / lack of supportive documents or certificates will lead to rejection of the Application Form. False documents / incorrect information found at any time, even after admission, will debar the candidate from getting admission or admission will be cancelled.
• If you face any problem in filling up the Registration form please visit the school office from 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon on all working days or contact us on +91-7463934666