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I am a Karenite and I behold this spirit forever.

Life is a gift and I am grateful to God for bestowing it on me. Everyone is born with a purpose and I will strive hard to become what I was meant to be.

I will always stand by the motto of the School "LABOUR REAPS REWARD" . With tirelessefforts, self-belief and confidence, I will indeed ‘SHINE TO OUTSHINE'.

Indiais my country and being born as an Indian is a privilege. A nation's pride is immersed in the VALUES THAT ARE VALUED FOREVER. Therefore, I will ensure to maintain dignity, respect, love, the spirit of sacrifice, tolerance and compassion amongst fellow brethren irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion and gender.

Being an active and responsible citizen of the country , I will respect differences and learn to appreciate the social cultural, regional and linguistic plurality of our country echoing ‘Unity in Diversity' which holds so true.

I will train myself for a worthy life . Our actions are governed by our thoughts. I will train my mind to think positively and from different perspectives. I will think BEYOND and realise the privilege bestowed on me to be an agent of love, kindness and help. I will extend my helping hand to the underprivileged and the aged. I will forever be mindful of the service to humanity and help the marginalized to join the mainstream by motivating them to have faith in their innate strengths.

Mind and heart cannot do without each other . I will have a heart that understands the language of the voiceless, helpless and underprivileged and that connects people by caring, sharing. Forgiving, sympathizing and empathizing.

A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. I will not only focus on my academics but also on sports, exercise and other co-curricular activities. With practice, perseverance and patience, I will overcome obstacles that come in the way of my personality development.

I will always respect my parents, elders and teachers and be grateful to them for all the things that they do for me. I will always thank God for making them a part of my life and pray that prove myself worthy of their love and support.

I will always value time and be punctual in my studies and daily chores . I will learn from my past, make the best out of the present and work effortlessly to build a bright future. I will face th challenges of tomorrow fearlessly to triumph in the future.

It is said that dreams get you started and discipline keeps you going. Discipline is what makes life progressive and is the key to success. I will practice discipline both with my body and soul.

I will practice cleanliness and restrict it not only to my house but my neighbourhood, colony, school premises, street and other places.

I have a responsibility to protect the environment / save water. I will try to plant as many trees as possible to promote greenery never hurt animals and motivate others to do the same as part of collective responsibility. All humans all over the world need to wake up to the stark realities of climate rises and need to contribute each one's mite to mitigate the damages already caused by us.

Education is a powerful tool which starts with building self-esteem in oneself and aims at social commitment to uplift the society . May God give me the courage and wisdom to spread awareness and educate children who are the future.

I will aspire to reach the sky through my work and dedication but never forget my roots, from where I started and be humble in my words and actions. I will give my best to accomplish my goals that will contribute in making a peaceful world.

May God give me the strength and grace to carry on the LEGACY of being a Karenite.