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School Rule
  • Every Student should carry his/her school diary to school each day.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions and for Parent Teacher Meeting also. The P.T. Uniform from Stds I to IV must be worn on specified days only.
  • Repeated failure to comply with the school's uniform regulations may result in the offending pupil being sent back home.
  • With the exception of a pair of stud earrings for the girls, pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery in the School. This includes expensive watches, bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. In case of loss of such items, the school will not be responsible.
  • Personal hygiene and neatness are essential.
  • Girls are instructed not to grow/paint finger nails and to ensure the hair is styled in a manner befitting pupils in school. The painting of hands, with mehendi is not allowed.
  • Boys are instructed to ensure their hair is neatly/evenly trimmed and maintained above the level of the collar and above the ears.
  • Chewing gum is forbidden in school.
  • Sharp instruments, Mobile phones, Walkmans, C.D's, books and magazines of objectionable nature should not be brought to school.
  • Exploding crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.