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Our Educational Goals

At St. Karen's we bestow the following LEARNING GIFTS on our students to realise our Educational goals.

K - Knowledge of Life to choose wisely, understand compassionately and feel deeply as they journey through life.

A - Altitude in Attitude Developing the right attitude to face life's challenges with strength in one's abilities and convictions.

R - Recognition of Talents By exploring and challenging one's self, innate talents surface leading to positive self esteem.

E - Empowering Education Education facilitated by active learning, enabling responsible decision making and linking academic knowledge to real life situation.

N - Nurturing Environment Much more than just the building, the educators of our school nurture and care for the holistic development of the student.

S- Sense of Values / Social Sensitivity Imparting of core values that promote respect, honesty, co-operation, fairness and kindness.